August 25, 2007

August 25, 2007
The BEST day of our lives!
Psalm 139:9-10
"If I rise on the wings of the dawn, if I settle on the far side of the sea, even there your hand will guide me, your right hand will hold me fast."

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Triple C School- (God's Provision)
So, without ever knowing it, God had been working to provide me with a job while here in Grand Cayman. I applied to be a substitute teacher and in return was offered 7 months of maternity leave positions, meaning full-time teacher salary here in Grand Cayman. I am working at a private Christian school here on the island. It is however, an American school. The island is British, but in this school I teach American History with a little Cayman History. I am called Mrs. Millican every day...that was one of the neatest parts :-)

I am working with 5th graders. I have 24 students, 18 boys...:-) It was a huge challenge for me at first, but ask Dusty, I have become so attached and love ever second in the classroom. I do not want to give them back to their original teacher. I get to teach Bible every day. We pray together, we sing worship songs together (Hillsong mostly :-)), and we get into the Word together! Yes, the biggest blessing that I have been a part of!!

Here are some pictures below. My boys play on the Under 11 Soccer team at the school. They are wonderful!! Some of my girls play Netball (similar to Volleyball) and others play instruments and perform in the Drama club.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I always knew you were destined for amazing things.. Isn't it amazing how God works in our lives, without us even realizing it at first.. Congratulations!